Input Format
The void Print(Node* head) method takes the head
node of a linked list as a parameter. Each struct Node has
a data field (which stores integer data) and a next field
(which points to the next element in the list).
Note: Do not read any input from stdin/console.
Each test case calls the Print method individually and passes
it the head of a list.
Output Format
Print the integer data for each element of the linked list
to stdout/console (e.g.: using printf, cout, etc.).
There should be one element per line.
Sample Input
This example uses the following two linked lists:
and are the two head nodes passed as
arguments to Print(Node* head).
Note: In linked list diagrams, -> describes
a pointer to the next node in the list.
Sample Output
Test Case 0: NULL. An empty list is passed to
the method, so nothing is printed.
Test Case 1: 1->2->3->NULL. This is a non-empty list so we loop through each element, printing each element's data field on its own line.
Test Case 1: 1->2->3->NULL. This is a non-empty list so we loop through each element, printing each element's data field on its own line.
Print elements of a linked list on console
head pointer input could be NULL as well for empty list
Node is defined as
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;
void Print(Node *head)
// This is a "method-only" submission.
// You only need to complete this method.